Energy Modeling
The Green Engineer specializes in Building Performance Analysis. We use Building Performance Analysis as both a design and compliance tool, working on a range of projects covering early-stage thermal and daylight modeling to a whole building’s energy compliance.
We provide sustainable design and energy efficiency analysis services on a wide array ofprojects. We have expertise in facilitating energy charrettes for projects to set energy targets, identifying Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs), and evaluating efficiency requirements for compliance with GHG emissions, Stretch Code, State Energy Code, Utility Incentives, CHPS, and LEED. We are also leaders in providing local education services in this field.
We perform key computations needed to quantify the strengths of different design options that will be useful throughout the project. Early energy modeling is critical to successful, cost-effective sustainable design. Our firm uses industry standard modeling software to develop building performance models. We have an extensive understanding of eQuest (DOE-2) and DesignBuilder (EnergyPlus) in particular, and are familiar with other energy modeling software like Trane Trace, Ecotect, Therm, and Open Studio, etc. In addition, our energy modeling team was selected by Eversource to provide modeling services related to incentives on multiple projects throughout Eversource territory.
Our core expertise is in the following modeling scopes:
- Design Assistance and Review
- Sustainability and Energy Charrette Facilitation
- Early iterative and LCCA analysis
- MassSave Utility Incentives Modeling
- LEED Modeling
- Code and MEPA Compliance Modeling
- New Jersey’s P4P program Modeling
- Energy Audits and Site Walkthroughs