We are happy to report that The Green Engineer has recertified our B Corp Certification.
To achieve B Corp Certification, a company must meet a score of at least 80 points in the B Impact Assessment, an evaluation of a company’s positive impact, and pass a risk review, an evaluation of a company’s negative impact. B Corps recertify every three years and once certified, are expected to increase their score over time as they progress towards becoming more equitable, inclusive, and regenerative businesses.
We have held B Corp Certification since 2011 and are one of 126 B Corps in Massachusetts and one of approximately 9,000 Certified B Corps worldwide.
Additionally, The Green Engineer is a Massachusetts Benefit Corporation, a business model for for-profit companies with a social mission beyond profit. As a Benefit Corporation since 2011, we file an annual report outlining our public benefit and undergo a third-party review.
As an employee-owned company, 18 (and counting) of our 25 full-time staff members are owners, with 8 of them being women. A third of our staff represent diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.
In 2019, we became a JUST labeled organization, and in 2020, we adopted Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) principles across our practice.
We encourage businesses to recognize the value of joining the global B Corp community, and for business leaders to step up as a force for positive change.
Visit our B Corp Certification Public Profile.