In the fall of 2021, the City of Boston adopted the second iteration of the Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance (“BERDO 2.0”) (Docket #0775, Ordinance Amending City of Boston Code, Ordinances, Chapter VII, Sections 7-2.1 and 7-2.2). BERDO 2.0 sets emissions targets and reporting requirements for buildings greater than or equal to 20,000 GSF; establishes an Emissions Review Board with community representation to increase accountability and transparency; and establishes an environmental justice Buildings Emissions Investment Fund. The ordinance also includes performance standards for large buildings to decrease carbon targets with flexibility to assist companies in complying.
BERDO 2.0 is likely to have significant impact on existing buildings in the future.
Project teams planning new buildings should consider the future implications of BERDO 2.0 in addition to current building code requirements.
BERDO 2.0 requires buildings over 20,000 GSF to annually report on emissions by May 15th of each year. Specific information required to be reported includes:
Reporting would typically be done through Energy Star Portfolio Manager.
Failure to comply with reporting results in a fine of $300/day for buildings over 35,000 GSF, and $150 per day for projects between 20,000 and 35,000 GSF.
Projects that do not report are also subject to the emission fines described below.